Cookie Policy

This cookie policy applies to our use of cookies on our website as well as in our app.

A cookie is a small data file stored in your computer, tablet or smartphone. It enables your device/IP address to be recognised and information to be collected regarding the pages you visit, the choices you make and the functions you implement. A cookie is not a program that can contain harmful malware or virus. We use cookies and similar technologies (e.g. pixel tags). In this policy and in our Privacy Policy we simply use the term “cookie” to describe them all. Some of the cookies we use collect personal data. Please read about how we process personal data in our Privacy Policy.

We use our own cookies as well as third-party cookies. A third-party cookie is a cookie which is created and placed by external partners, e.g. partners that provide content for our website, suppliers of some of our functions on the website, or programmes that we use for analysis. Through the third-party cookies, these external partners may collect personal data such as your IP address and information about your browsing behaviour.

When you visit our website for the first time you are asked to provide your consent to cookies being placed on your device. You can choose to accept all cookies, or you can customize your cookie settings so only some of the below categories of cookies are placed on your device. You can also choose to deny all cookies except for essential cookies which are cookies that are necessary for the website to work properly.

You should be aware that if you choose to deactivate/deny certain cookies, we cannot give you the best possible user experience on our website as there may be services and functions that you cannot use because they require cookies to remember your choices.

At all times you can withdraw your consent or amend your cookie settings, cf. below.

How Our Website Uses Cookies

Some cookies perform essential functions for our website. Cookies also help us get an overview of your visit to our website so we can continuously optimize and tailor the experience to your needs and interests. For example, cookies remember things like the items added to the shopping cart; whether you have visited our website before; if you are logged in; and the specific language and currency you prefer. We also use cookies to target our ads specifically to you on other websites. In general, we use cookies as part of our service to present you with content that is as relevant to you as possible.

You can see the specific services that store cookies and why they do it, under the different categories:

Necessary, functional, statistical and marketing.

(1) Necessary cookies

These cookies are necessary for the website to function and cannot be turned off in our systems. Furthermore, you cannot disable cookies qualifying as strictly necessary cookies. Strictly necessary cookies are usually set only in response to actions taken by you, e.g. when you add an item to your basket, we use essential cookies to remember this when you continue browsing our web shop.

(2) Functional cookies

Functional cookies make the site work better for you. These cookies allow for improved functionality and personalization, e.g. recommendations. They may be set by us or by third party providers whose services we have added to our website. If you do not allow these cookies, some or all of these functionalities may not work properly.

(3) Statistical cookies

Statistical cookies allow us to measure the performance of our website, e.g. by counting the number of visitors and see which products our visitors view and are interested in. This helps us to improve and develop our services and products.

In this regard, we may collect information about your device, e.g. your screen resolution and browser, and information about your internet connection, e.g. your IP address.

Through these statistical cookies we also register from which page our visitors came to our website, and our visitors’ browsing on our sites, e.g. when and how long our sites were visited, what functionalities were used and what products were viewed.

(4) Marketing cookies

On our website you will see recommendations and promotions and we may also provide advertisements and marketing activities/campaigns on other websites and social media networks. In order to keep these recommendations, promotions and advertisements relevant for you, we use marketing cookies to personalize marketing ads.

The marketing cookies we use collect information about your browsing behavior, e.g. which products you have shown interest in on our website and other websites, which marketing campaigns/activities you engage in as well your device ID and geolocation based on your IP address. This information may be combined with information related to your order history, past correspondence, and profile information as well as with other information which you have provided to our advertising partners or which they have collected themselves. Our partners may use cookies to collect information when you visit our website. We also use cookies to track your journey to other websites in order to present you with ads on such websites.

How Long Are Cookies Stored?

The length of time a cookie is stored on your devices and browsers varies. The lifetime is calculated according to your last visit to the website. When a cookie expires, it is automatically deleted. All our cookies’ lifetimes are specified in the cookie overview in our cookie banner. You can open the cookie banner by clicking on the cookie icon on our site.

At all times you can withdraw your consent or amend your cookie settings. You can do this by changing your cookie settings via the cookie icon on our site. If you instead want to block cookies entirely on your device, you can follow the guide below.

How to Block Cookies on Your Device

You may at any time completely block the placement of new cookies on your device. You can either block all new cookies or just new third-party cookies. You do this by changing the browser settings on your computer, tablet or smartphone. The location of these settings will depend on the browser you use. You can find guidance on how to block cookies in specific browsers via the links below.

Please be aware that if you block all or just third-party cookies, there may be functions and services that you will be unable to use on the website (because these depend on cookies).

You can opt-out of cookies from Google Analytics here.

How to Delete Existing Cookies

As cookies are not stored in our systems but locally on your device, we are unable to delete cookies. However, it is easy to delete cookies that you have previously accepted. How to delete cookies depends on which browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc.) and device (smartphone, tablet, PC, Mac) you are using. You can typically find this information under settings – Security and Privacy – but this may vary from one browser to another.

You can find guidance on how to delete and block cookies in specific browsers and devices via the links below. Please note that if you use more than one browser or device, you must delete/block cookies in all of them.

Internet Explorer

Microsoft Edge

Mozilla Firefox

Google Chrome



Flash cookies



Chrome, Android

Links to Other Websites

If you use a link from our websites to a third party's website, you should be aware that cookies may also be used on such third-party websites which are not covered by this policy. We encourage you to examine such websites' cookie policies.